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Christian Weight Loss – How To Be A Living Sacrifice

What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn’t just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice for Christ?

What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn't just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice?

If anybody asked me about my health and weight loss goals during my weight loss journey, I gave one answer. “My goal weight is 150 pounds.”

That number on the scale was the only thing that mattered to me.

I had no desire to be more active, eat healthier long-term, drink more water, or anything else.

I didn’t care how I got there, I just wanted to lose the weight.

I had myself convinced that the day the scale showed me the numbers 1-5-0, my life would be transformed.

I would be happier, thinner, more beautiful, and more confident. My clothes would fit perfectly, men would be pursuing me, and all of my insecurities would disappear because I had arrived at my goal weight, the only result I desired.

Spoiler alert – that’s not how my 100-pound weight loss journey went down.

Woman on step in workout clothes writing in a journal - Christian Weight Loss | How To Be A Living Sacrifice

Living Sacrifice Bible Verse

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 12:1 NIV

Becoming A Living Sacrifice On Your Weight Loss Journey

Living Sacrifice Meaning

At church last Sunday, they gave a definition for the word sacrifice that I’d never heard before.

Sacrifice is giving up something you love for something you love more.

I’ve been thinking about it all week.

We live in a world of instant gratification. It feels good to want something and get it now, and that’s especially true in weight loss. 

When we start a new diet or weight loss program, we want immediate results without putting in the patience, time, and energy.

We want a pill that will cure our cravings.

We want shakes that will magically melt away all of our extra pounds.

We want to believe that if we can just follow that exercise plan for 30 days, we really will come out with 6-pack abs on the other side…even if we still have 75 pounds left to lose.

What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn't just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice?

It’s why I tried extreme diets like juicing, Atkins, and giving up all sugar (none of which worked well for me in the least).

But what if your weight loss journey is not just about your goal weight?

What if it’s not about the results, but the process?

The most common question I’m asked about my weight loss is, “How’d you do it?” And, every single time, my answer is, “One small change at a time.”

It’s not an answer people expect.

They want me to sing the praises of a miracle diet or program. They want me to give them a formula for how to lose the weight they want to take off themselves.

I’m sure they would love it if I immediately handed over a meal plan with exercises to ensure their own 100-pound weight loss.

Because they are only focused on the results.

But the reason I was able to not only lose that large amount of weight but also keep it off, is that I learned to sacrifice what I want now for what I want more.

I’ve become quite good at it now. I can actually have a pantry full of sweets and not overindulge. I’ve become that person who can be satisfied after 4 M&Ms or 2 bites of a candy bar (I know…weird, right?!).

It took me years of practice and, let me tell you, I’ve failed more times than I can count (if you can relate, check out these 15 Bible verses when you feel like giving up).

There were a whole lot of opportunities for me to strengthen my willpower muscle and self-control, learning to say no to those things that I just didn’t need.

  • No to the donuts at church
  • No to the fast food on the way home from work
  • No to the candy in the checkout aisle
  • No to the 4th slice of pizza
  • No to taking the whole bag of Cheetos to the couch
  • No to the pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
    What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn't just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice?

Making God Your Motivation

After learning to say no, time and time again, I started seeing that it wasn’t just about depriving myself of something good, it was about saying yes to something bigger, something better.

Sure, weight loss.

Yes, good health.

Absolutely, a smaller clothing size, feeling better, having more energy, being more confident, and conquering my insecurities.

But even more than that, my something I love more became God, the most important thing in my life.

I began to see Him intersect every food and exercise decision I made. Exercise became an act of worship. Eating became about nourishing the holy temple He has gifted me with.

When I started to see that He gives those healthy boundaries in food as a way to take care of me and protect me, I started seeing my weight loss journey as a love note from Him.

I wanted my life, my body, and my weight loss journey to be a living sacrifice for Him.

With every decision I made to honor Him, He was growing me into a stronger person.

Growing In The Fruit Of The Spirit In Your Healthy Choices

What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn't just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice?

That self-control in my eating started spilling over into other areas of my life.

  • I became more patient with people.
  • I was better at handling money because I didn’t splurge on everything I wanted in the moment.
  • I stopped myself from saying unnecessary negative things and filled my words with encouragement instead, even toward the people who were unkind to me.

That willpower in my exercise started making me a more responsible person in other areas.

I started willingly stepping in to do chores that others didn’t want to do. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and talked to more people, I built a business, and I prayed out loud for people regularly.

I wasn’t just developing healthy habits, I was growing in the Fruit of the Spirit in my weight loss, becoming more like Christ.

All of those wonderful changes in my character didn’t happen because all of a sudden I weighed 150 pounds. They happened because I made the decision, again and again, to sacrifice things I love for things I love more.

And you can have the same transformation in your own life.

Every time you make a sacrifice in your weight loss journey, it’s out of a love for something more.

It’s great to have goals that you’re working toward. Goal weights aren’t a bad thing, but they aren’t the only thing.

There will be (a lot) of times you need to say no on your weight loss journey. No to soda, sleeping in, downing the bag of Cheetos, dessert, sitting on the couch, that extra helping of mashed potatoes, yet another piece of Halloween candy.

But don’t let it end there. With that “no,” what are you saying yes to?

What do you love more?

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What if your weight loss as a Christian wasn't just about the result of your goal weight, but instead the process of becoming a living sacrifice?
Sitting on step in workout clothes with journal How to Be A Living Sacrifice - Christian Weight Loss

More Christian Weight Loss Posts

Christian Weight Loss: How To Start Losing Weight With The Power of God

Less of Me: A Christian Weight Loss Devotional

Hearing God’s Voice in Emotional Eating

10 Bible Verses for Your Weight Loss Journey

A Prayer for Weight Loss

Making Exercise An Act of Worship

How to Pray for Freedom in Your Weight Loss Journey

Are You Worshipping Food?

Selene Rodriguez

Monday 8th of November 2021

I really needed this word today! Wow! I never heard it said like this before! Today I’m on my way to 150 as well not for the number but for him, Jesus! Amen! God bless you! ❤️


Monday 8th of November 2021

Thank you so much for that blessing, Selene! I sure appreciate it. I'm so glad my perspective could encourage you!

Alexandra Y Adams

Saturday 2nd of October 2021

I find God is imperative in any successful endeavor and weight loss is no exception. I had been fighting this battle for 40 years and discovered once I went to God and admitted that I couldn't give up sugar completely but I would be willing if He would help me, everything changed! Not only am I down 97lbs, I can have anything I want and not over-indulge, which I have NEVER been able to do. God will have the perfect plan for YOU and something that is sustainable and permanent. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! I am now free for the first time in my life and I give God thanks every single day. He is the only reason for my success. My cravings are gone and when I do indulge, nothing tastes as good as it used to. I'm enjoying much healthier choices and do not feel deprived in the least. I'm living my life now and not obsessed with food anymore. It's wonderful! Thank you for sharing your encouraging story!!!


Wednesday 2nd of June 2021

You are a blessing. Thank you for this word.


Tuesday 23rd of March 2021

What an inspiration you have been to me today as I have been looking for the truth of scripture to replace the lies that Satan fed me. Looking at exercise as an act of worship, honestly, never occurred to me! And you have new insight into living your life as a living sacrifice. Thank you so much.


Wednesday 31st of March 2021

Julie, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so glad this post was able to give you a different perspective!


Thursday 18th of February 2021

Help. My stepdaughter is doing a weight loss program that is lifestyle centered, but it costs $400 to start. While my health is "worth" it, that's a lot of money. After the initial "goal" of weight is achieved, they go to maintenance but she won't start there. I am 58 and need to get healthy. I don't exercise much. I don't eat a lot, but I snack at night. I am not a big breakfast person, and I guess, it would be good to have someone to help me or to encourage me or to give me a diet, I guess, but I want this to be forever, not for a year or two and then gradually gain back the 20 lbs. I really could stand to lose 10 to 15 lbs, because I feel miserable, but don't help myself. I just wake up and go through this viscous cycle, looking and feeling terrible. It's been a lifelong thing.


Tuesday 23rd of February 2021

Hi Lisa! I'm so glad you are exploring ways to get healthier. There are a lot of wonderful things about lifestyle-centered programs. It's great to build those healthy habits!

From reading what you wrote here about struggling with your weight for your entire life, it sounds like you may be looking for a program that works on heart-change. That's actually the main reason we created our Faithful Finish Lines 2.0 program. There are a lot of weight loss programs out there, but they only treat the symptoms (habits), not the root of the problem (the heart).

If you'd like to try out our program to see if it's a good fit for you, it's $54/month and you can cancel any time.

Whether you join us or not, I have a lot of free resources on the heart-change of weight loss here on my blog that you're welcome to check out!