This Free Pregnancy Workout Plan gives you 3 short at-home exercise videos every week by trimester that are perfect for beginners! ***Before beginning any exercise program, make sure you have approval from your health provider.*** All of the videos in this plan are completely free on YouTube and done by BodyFit by Amy, who I …
Looking for Christian exercise music for clean, upbeat faith-filled songs? Check out this workout playlist, perfect for running, at-home workouts, and more! Confession – I really don’t like workout remixes. I’m not a fan of techno music and when they try to jazz up songs to boost the tempo…well, they often lose me because of …
Looking for an encouraging way to combine your faith with fitness? Check out the best at-home Christian workouts, from free workouts to subscriptions. I just want to clarify right off the bat that any workout can be a “Christian workout.” You certainly don’t need Bible verses or Christian music to make exercise an act of …
If you need an extra boost of exercise motivation, check out the benefits of exercise and see these 15 reasons to work out today. So many people view exercise as a punishment for poor eating choices, but in reality, it’s one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself – physically …
Use these creative ideas to get more steps to help you lose weight, get healthier, and become more active until you’re hitting 10,000 steps a day! Walking For Weight Loss As someone who has lost 100 pounds, I understand the struggle. When you gain weight, it takes more energy to move. It feels better to …
Planktober is a 30-day plank challenge for beginners. Get your free plank challenge calendar and learn about the proper form and benefits of planking! Even if you’ve never planked before, you can take this challenge. I’ve included plank variations below for any fitness level, so even if you can’t get up and down off the …
Planks are a great exercise for your core, but make sure you have the proper planking form with this list of dos and don’ts! Happy Planktober! If you haven’t joined us yet, check here for all of the details and come plank it out with us (no matter how much you do or don’t plank …
Exercise takes a lot of self-discipline, but here are 8 Bible verses to add a worshipful purpose to your workout routine, combining faith and fitness. When you are trying to lose weight, exercise can feel like a punishment for the things you eat. I’d like to challenge that approach. It’s no secret that there are …
Take the intimidation out of beginner strength training with the simple and straight-forward Rule of 3! I lead a more active lifestyle now than I ever have before, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have lazy thoughts (and sometimes lazy actions to go with them)! Sure, I’m a health coach. Yeah, I have my personal …
Christian women, take the dread & obligation out of your workout by bringing God to the center and making exercise an act of worship. Over the course of my 100-pound weight loss journey, I’ve heard all kinds of tips about finding your fitness motivation. Some people recommend keeping a dress you love in a smaller …
Weight loss doesn’t have to be as complicated or painful as people make it out to be! One small change at a time helped me lose 100 pounds and can change your life. As soon as people find out I’ve lost 100 pounds, their next question is always, “How did you do it?“ I know the …
As you are setting goals for this coming year, shift your focus to the most powerful piece that will make your resolutions stick! Setting New Year’s resolutions is easy. It’s kind of like daydreaming about your perfect life, right? This year, I’d like to lose weight, find the man of my dreams, and get out of …
Use these 6 tips for exercising in winter to keep you moving, fit, warm, and active, even when it’s dark and cold outside! On my 100-pound weight loss journey, I quickly discovered that I couldn’t just hibernate and put exercise on hold for 4 months when the weather was dark, cold, and snowy – that’s …
This is some of my favorite Christian workout music in an upbeat 5k running playlist to keep me energized on race day and during my at-home workouts. The day of my very first 5k, I was convinced I had everything ready. I had trained and read everything I could to properly prep for my first …
These 4 gentle stretches can ease and prevent lower back pain, as well as relieving your stress and increasing energy and flexibility. Back pain is such a common complaint. Twisting, turning, or lifting in just the wrong way can bring weeks of discomfort, and if you do a lot of prolonged sitting on a regular …
Think you can’t run? You can! Check out this beginner’s guide to running and try these easy first steps to get you on the road and running your first 5k! I hate running. I could never be a runner. I don’t know how people do that. It just doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s too …
It’s so hard to find motivation and discipline to exercise! Here are 5 ways to make exercise easier and more effective on your weight loss journey. I watched the Super Bowl with some friends of mine last weekend, and I have to admit, I enjoyed it! I haven’t watched a football game in years, but …