Today, I’m 100 pounds lighter than I was when I started my weight loss journey.
My successful weight loss story is not one of overnight success. I didn’t take a magic pill. My results were not from a fad diet or a product from an infomercial.
My weight loss journey has been more like a roller coaster ride of trials, many errors, and a collection of “one small changes” along the way.
I was an unhappy girl with low self-esteem, trapped under baggy t-shirt and stretchy jeans and desperate to lose weight to just be normal.
I expected the journey to involve vegetables and exercise, but I had no idea that my weight loss journey would change my entire life – helping me find food freedom AND draw nearer to God, process my emotions in a healthy way, and improve my relationships.
I’ve overcome food cravings, drastically changed the number on the scale (and my pant size and overall health), and I’ve proven to myself that I can do hard things.
It’s a journey that changed me from the inside out.
Let’s throwback to some old pictures and I’ll give you more behind-the-scenes details of my story.
Before and After Weight Loss Pictures

Diets I Tried On My Weight Loss Journey
Over many years of trying to lose weight, I tried a lot of different weight loss diets, programs, and gimmicks.
I wish I had been blogging while I’d been on all of them, but I tried many of them when I was quite young, so there is no written record of my experience.
Here are just a few of the many things I tried:
- Slim Fast
- Atkins
- Juicing
- The Whole 30
- weight loss pills
- Weight Watchers
- ab belts
- stomach shrinking wraps
- calorie counting
- skipping meals
Spoiler alert – none of those were the magic solution to my food and weight struggles.
I tried so many drastic, overnight changes and most of them did actually work!
Temporarily. Then I’d go back and regain even more weight than when I started.
It was a devastating cycle that felt impossible to break.
I felt like I had no self-control around food. I loved the taste of junk food and watching TV, which was the place I always “landed” after going on and off of yet another diet.
So, how did I actually lose the weight?
One Small Change
For me, the key to success was one small change at a time.
I did learn something from each diet or program I went on, but it was never a one-stop solution for me. There would always be pieces of programs that just didn’t seem to fit my preferences, my priorities, and my life, so I’d eventually just give up altogether.
Until I learned that I had the freedom to take the pieces that did work and put them together slowly to create my own custom 100-pound weight loss plan.
Instead of just giving up soda one day (again), I transitioned slowly from Mountain Dew to Sprite (what I considered the “light”‘ soda). Then to Sprite mixed with lemonade, then full lemonade, then light lemonade, until I started diluting that with water. Then I made the switch to flavored water and then fruit-infused water, and finally just plain water.
The thing about making slow, small changes is that slowly changes your momentum and, for me, it was so much easier for the changes to actually stick.
I went from eating no vegetables to hiding vegetables to a few microwaved frozen vegetables then learning to cook fresh vegetables and now I pack my meals full of vegetables (and I actually like them!).
I could give you hundreds of examples of one small change at work in my life.
I learned something from every diet I tried or exercise program I joined and when I made a way to help it fit into my own unique life, I carried those habits on with me to create a healthy lifestyle I genuinely love living.
Read more about the life-changing power of one small change.
Growing Up As The Fat Kid
I was a cute kid. A really, really cute kid (that’s me being cute in between my two older sisters in the picture below)….until 1st grade.
That’s when I started to become the chubby kid.
And then I became the fat kid (that’s me on the bottom right in the huge blue poncho…I use the term “fat” because that is the identity I took on myself for so many of those difficult years).
I don’t really know why I started overeating in the first place.
- Maybe because I was a daddy’s girl and I wanted to keep up with his portion sizes to be just like him.
- Possibly because I was stubborn and knew my mother wanted me to eat healthy, so I rebelled by sneaking junk food into my room at night after everyone was asleepp.
- Perhaps I just really loved food (and still do!). On the day after I was born, my mom wrote on a baby tracking calendar that, “It seems like you just want to eat ALL the time!” <- Yup. That stayed true for a long time.
Whatever the reason, I started overeating and just couldn’t stop.
I remember my grandmother making a comment once about how shocked she was that I could eat so many slices of pizza.
And I remember feeling proud of being able to do so.
I loved junk food and I was a secret eater. I would sneak into the kitchen late at night and find the unhealthiest food my mom had hiding in the kitchen…and I’d eat it all in one sitting, behind the closed doors of my bedroom.
Whether it was a box of Nutty Bars, a bag of chips, fruit snacks, or some really delicious leftovers, I’d devour them a box at a time, not caring about my body weight or the number of calories I was taking in (it was a LOT).
Food (more specifically, junk food) was a precious commodity to me.
When it was there, I felt like it was a resource that could run out at any given time, so I had to eat it all as fast as possible before someone else dared to try it themselves and leave less for me.
I was pretty much like Joey from Friends. “Becky does not share food!“
Confession – sometimes I still feel like that.
It’s not like I was ever deprived of food.
My mother was (and still is) a fantastic cook. She always made a ton of flavorful, healthy, homemade meals, but I never appreciated them.
I was always begging for processed foods, prepackaged foods, and fast food.
I would have taken a Lunchable over a sandwich any day and wished I could live off of donuts, tater tots, and cupcakes.
I vividly remember wishing someone would replace all water fountains with Kool-Aid fountains (fun fact – I didn’t start liking plain water until I was 27 years old).
Bullying As An Overweight Kid
In middle school, I was teased.
- I was called fat in the hallways.
- I was called fat by random strangers who saw me helping my best friend deliver her paper route.
- I was called fat by so-called friends not-so behind my back.
It hurt. A lot.
And I retreated inside myself even more, thinking if I could just be quiet and likable and fly under the radar, then I wouldn’t draw attention to myself and nobody would notice that I was fat.
So, I ate in secret.
Then I beat myself up for overeating, which drove me to eat even more. It’s really a vicious cycle that keeps you spiraling downward.
I was never able to wear any of the same clothes that my friends wore because I couldn’t fit into girls’, or even teen, clothing. I remember wearing a 24W as a 14-year-old.
So, I dressed in the ever-so-fashionable stretchy jeans and super baggy t-shirt, believing that all of that excess fabric would hide my muffin top and rolls.
I Really Hated Exercise
In middle school, I played volleyball, which helped me make some healthy choices.
I loved the actual game and even made the A team, but I hated the running (and dreaded that part of every. single. practice.).
I was always the slowest, I always finished last, huffing and puffing, needing tons of walk breaks, even just during the warm-up laps.
I could block, bump, and spike a volleyball like nobody’s business for a middle schooler, but I remember always feeling second best because I was the girl who had the highest number on my uniform.
For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to correlate the numbers to the uniform size, so the higher the number, the bigger the size of your uniform.
It was like my weight was being announced to everyone, wearing my inner shame on the outside.
I played tennis from my freshman through junior year of high school and, again, really enjoyed the sport, but abhorred the running. Our coach was a middle-aged guy who could run circles around me.
The entire team would have finished their laps around the field, while I was still stumbling along next to the (also middle-aged) assistant coach, who I’m quite sure they sent in as an attempt to get me to run faster.
It was ineffective.
But because of the regular exercise, I did start losing some weight.
The Dreaded Yo-Yo Dieting
In high school, the teasing had pretty much stopped, but I still felt as big as ever.
It seemed like everyone around me was dating and I was convinced that if I just lost the weight, then guys would start to notice me.
So, I was constantly trying to diet.
Emphasis on the trying.
I’d skip breakfast (always the brilliant way to lose weight – NOT), I’d make sure everyone could see that I was only eating bell pepper strips or half of a Slim Fast for lunch instead of the pizza offered at Key Club meetings, and I’d applaud myself when my stomach was rumbling in hunger, because, obviously, starvation=weight loss (face-palm).
But, those efforts were quite temporary, and the next day, I’d be with my friends at the food court eating a massive burrito for lunch (and sneaking boxes of cookies into my bedroom at night).
The Freshman 15 In Reverse
When I went off to college in 2004, I was actually able to reverse the freshman 15.
Because the rec center was just across a field from my dorm, there was a time that I was going over there twice a day to swim or lift weights or hop on the elliptical and I was taking full advantage of the salad bar in my dorm cafeteria.
I probably could have dropped a lot more weight, but I was still ordering late-night pizza with my dorm-mates and keeping our room’s mini-fridge stocked with cookie dough and soda.
When I moved out of the dorms and off campus (away from the rec center) the next year, my weight gain began to slowly creep back.
I’d exercise occasionally and kind of try to watch what I ate, but I didn’t really know how to cook, so I mostly stuck with boxed options.
Macaroni and cheese and Hamburger Helper are not the ideal meals for weight loss and after I’d regained those pounds, they stayed.
And stayed.
Until late 2007.
The Opposite Extreme
That year, I fell in love.
We dated, we got engaged, and then he was deployed, and I lived in a constant state of stress.
I drifted to the other extreme of unhealthy weight loss.
I was miserable. I thought worrying was the only thing I could offer at that point and since I couldn’t control what was going on overseas, I decided to control my eating. I was living alone and, for most that year, I probably ate between 500-800 calories a day.
I was hungry a lot, not exercising at all, had no energy, and my stomach was constantly in knots, but I lost 40 pounds, bringing me down to 160.
That was the lightest I’d been since I could remember (literally. I obviously had to have been 160 pounds at some point in my life as I was gaining the weight, but I have no idea when that was).
I thought skinny meant healthy, but even though I was finally a normal weight, I was FAR from healthy at that point.
I started buying smaller clothes and noticing that things fit me so much better, but it was short-lived.
Unhealthy Relationship, Unhealthy Body
The deployment ended, he came home, and we got married. I was ready for a blissful honeymoon stage, but it was not a happy or a healthy marriage.
I didn’t know it at the time, but my deep insecurities from being the fat kid mixed with that desperation for attention from guys had led me into an emotionally abusive marriage.
My weight loss journey spiraled down and my weight shot up once again.
We ate a lot of fast food, rarely exercised because we were glued to our TV and computer screens, and the stress of the constant conflict between us was nearly unbearable (especially for this people-pleasing, peace-loving girl!), so I started gaining the weight back quickly.
And then I kept gaining.
And gaining.
Until January 2012. I was 194 pounds and was terrified of creeping back up into the 200’s.
I’ll Exercise…In Secret.
So, I joined a gym.
I was really only comfortable using the elliptical. I was too scared to try any of the classes offered and the weight machines were just intimidating. Everyone else at the gym seemed to know what they were doing and I just…didn’t.
I didn’t feel like I fit anywhere and I especially didn’t want people to see my equipment and exercising failures, so I spent a lot of time in the cardio movie room, where all of the lights were dimmed and they projected movies onto a screen in front of the cardio equipment.
I even tried a personal trainer for a while and hated it.
A person watching me exercise was. the. worst.
Mostly because I was so weak that I struggled with a lot of the exercises she gave me. As sweet as that girl was, she continuously expressed how surprised she was at how little I could lift/push/squat/whatever else and it was incredibly discouraging.
Even though I was still 55 pounds less than my heaviest, I felt completely inadequate and just wanted to hide.
So, I ditched the gym and the trainer for workouts that I could do myself at home.
That’s when I decided to start running.
Yes, running.
Running for Weight Loss
You know, that thing I told you I hated with a passion? The bane of my existence? The killer of my self-esteem?
I looked it in the metaphorical face and embraced it (sticking to side streets with few spectators, mind you).
One step at a time. One gasping breath at a time.
Running was SO hard for me.
In June 2012, I ran my first 5k (even though my mother beat me. Totally embarrassing.).

The Year Everything Changed
After a rough start to the year with a devastating divorce, 2014 became one of the most influential years of my life (and my weight loss journey).
That was the year that all of the pieces of healthy habits that I had been building over the years finally fell into place.
Running had started to give me confidence.
I didn’t feel like hiding anymore. I still didn’t want all of the attention drawn to me, but I dabbled in a variety of exercises that year and was always working on something to keep myself healthy.
Not just prioritizing my physical health but also working on my mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
I tried Zumba and cardio kickboxing classes, which majorly pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I, shockingly, really enjoyed them!
An instructor pulled me aside and talked to me after class one day, asking about my story. She recommended I look into teaching fitness classes. I was so flattered, but just put that into the back of my mind.
I continued expanding my workouts with some pilates and Jillian Michaels videos(I can’t even count how many times I’ve done The 30-Day Shred!).
I used my Fitbit all year, which really motivated me to move more throughout the day.
I took my border collie, Boots, for more walks, I parked farther away from stores, I walked the long way around whenever I could – anything to get up to my 10,000 steps!
(There’s that one small change at work again!)
I ran off and on when I felt like it (and often when I didn’t) and ended up running six 5ks.
Outside of exercise, my confidence was building, too.
Instead of just helping out with slides in our church services, I joined the worship team and started singing in front of our congregation every week.
I dated. I left my teeny tiny comfort zone and went on adventures. I started striking up conversations with neighbors and people in the grocery store.
I was officially done hiding from people, and I was finally, after 27 years, for the first time I can say with confidence, starting to believe my worth as a child of God.
Until that year, I had no idea that God would care about my weight loss journey.
Oh, How I Love Food (Apparently Healthy Food, Too! Who Knew?)
The other thing that happened in 2014 is that my tastes started to change. Those small changes had added up!
I have always been a lover of all things fried and junk food-like. As a single person, I had the freedom to stock my cabinets and fridge with whatever foods I wanted.
I started the year buying all of the chocolate and chips and frozen prepared foods that I love and I quickly found that those weren’t the foods I wanted anymore.
I still kept a wide variety of chocolate in the house but ate it sparingly (self-control like that still feels weird to me!).
Surprisingly, I wanted spaghetti squash, Greek yogurt, zucchini, baby spinach, quinoa, and fish.
I slowly warmed up to fish in my mid-20’s, but that year, I craved it and ate it often!
And, unless I was meeting friends, I didn’t eat out.
The funny thing is, I used to dream about Big Macs and Sonic’s tater tots and Freddy’s french fries and then when I actually had the freedom to go to those places whenever I wanted to, it turned out I really didn’t want to.
I still eat Lifesaver Gummies, chocolate, and french fries when I want to, but now, instead of a box of Nutty Bars disappearing in one night, they were lasting me a month or more (my most recent box of Nutty Bars was in my pantry for a full 6 months before I finished it).
Nothing was off limits to me and that actually was the key for me to eat everything in moderation.
I don’t believe in forbidden foods in my diet anymore.
As a result of all of those small changes in my healthy eating and exercise, I dropped 30 pounds that year.
And I’ve kept it off ever since.
No more dieting.
No more forcing myself to go through the motions.
I had worked my way, one step at a time, to food freedom.
Now, those healthy habits I developed in my weight loss journey are just my normal, a normal I happen to absolutely love living.
I eat what I love, I have the energy and stamina to do the things I enjoy, and I just feel good.
I was about 250 at my heaviest, which means over the years, I have now lost 100 pounds.
Even Though It’s About The Weight, It’s Not Really About The Weight
It’s really not even about my goal weight anymore.
It’s about freedom.
I’m doing things I never thought I was capable of.
It’s about being healthy and active and taking care of myself so that I can build the life I want to live. It’s about chasing my niece and nephew and running 5ks with my friends.
It’s about seizing the day, instead of trying to hide, hoping no one will notice me.
It’s about being confident in who I’ve become and embracing both my strengths and my weaknesses.
Instead of being scared to try new things, I’m eager to take advantage of new experiences. It’s about making good choices most of the time when it comes to both movement and nutrition, but not being a slave to counting calories or forbidding foods from my diet.
I would never have believed it if you had told me 10 years ago that I would be the girl choosing salmon and barley over a burger and french fries, but I did just that the other night.

Breaking Free
I ran my first half marathon in 2015, and that was when I decided that I wanted to somehow share the tools and lessons (and many, many mistakes) that I have learned through my own journey, so I earned my personal trainer’s certification and my health coaching certification (through ACE – the American Council on Exercise).
I now run a Christian weight loss program called Faithful Finish Lines (along with my partner Sara from The Holy Mess who has also lost 100 pounds!) that is a grace-based way to lose weight for women stuck in their own weight loss journey, in that cycle of yo-yo dieting and emotional eating, find freedom in Christ by building a healthy lifestyle, one small change at a time.
My weight loss journey has been so much bigger than 100 pounds.
- It gave me freedom and such a deep joy.
- I learned to trade my guilt for God’s grace.
- It improved my relationships.
- I feel so much better.
- It boosted my confidence.
- I learned how to find joy and satisfaction in self-control.
- I improved my relationship with God and others.
- It changed my life into one that I am madly in love with living.
And now, I want to pass that on to others. I want you to know that, no matter what your starting place is, you can find that freedom, too.
As a follower of Christ, you have the power of God on your side, so no matter how impossible or hopeless your situation seems, there is hope for you, too.
Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you and help you take the first step.
You can lose the weight and live a healthier life, no matter how far away you feel from that goal right now.
One step, one small change at a time, you can transform your life.

Pregnancy Weight Gain & Postpartum Weight Loss
In 2018, I got married to my hilarious, quirky, wonderful, faithful, stable husband, Adam.

In 2019, I got pregnant with our first son.
We were so thrilled to be expecting our first baby!
Unfortunately, when I got pregnant, I was hit with debilitating insomnia that has now hung on tightly to my body for 5 years and counting (despite a long list of medical tests and treatment options I’ve pursued…I talk more about my pregnancy/postpartum/insomnia/weight loss journey in this video here).
It’s been tough on my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, but God has sustained me in so many ways.

Back to my first pregnancy, despite many people commenting, “you don’t even look pregnant!” up until the night I gave birth (the labor and delivery nurse actually made that comment that night), I gained 55 pounds with my first pregnancy.

The recommended weight gain is between 25 and 35 pounds when you are starting a pregnancy at a healthy weight and, aside from my intense Slurpee pregnancy cravings, I was eating and exercising well during that pregnancy.
Despite my first postpartum season being incredibly difficult with my body not sleeping, a super colicky baby, and a global pandemic, my body slowly and steadily dropped 50 pounds of my pregnancy weight with me just going through the motions of the healthy choices that were now familiar to me – daily walks, meal prepping breakfast casseroles, lots of vegetables, etc.
I got pregnant again near the beginning of 2022 with our second son and, once again, I gained exactly 55 pounds (even without any pregnancy cravings this time around!).

And, once again, my body slowly dropped 45 pounds making the same healthy choices that helped me lose and maintain that weight loss for years.
Until I stopped nursing my second baby and my body went haywire.
Even though I was taking care of my body with healthy eating and regular exercise better than I ever had before, I gained 15 pounds in 2 months and that weight has been so stubborn. Hormones are no joke.
In my familiar one-small-change fashion, the weight is slowly dropping back down, .2 pounds at a time, and that brings you up-to-date with where I am today.

- I still have raging insomnia that is a mystery to every doctor I see.
- My hormones are still way out of whack, but I’m working on it in every way that I can (and doing my best to be patient along the way).
- And I still make a long list of healthy choices every day – I do strength training and take my boys on a 2-mile walk 5 mornings a week. I eat vegetables for breakfast (and just about every other meal). I drink water almost exclusively.
It turned out that all of those healthy choices that I thought I was just doing to lose weight would actually care for my body well during a long, long season of physical struggles.
My weight loss journey taught me patience, self-control, my identity in Christ, how to respond more compassionately to myself and others, and so. much. more.
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Melissa Young
Friday 3rd of May 2024
What a beautiful and encouraging story. I can relate to so much of what you shared. It was a little bit like reading my own story. I'm just starting on a new weight loss journey. But it's not just about physical weight this time. I have a re newed relationship with the Lord, and this journey is about freedom and forgiveness. Freedom from emotional eating, and all the pain that has brought me. Forgiveness for myself and for others. Thank you for helping others. I hope to do the same someday.
Elizabeth Rampaul
Wednesday 21st of February 2024
Where do access your most current meal plan?
Thursday 29th of February 2024
Hi Elizabeth, I don't have my current meal plans posted right now. They are always changing for me since I love trying new recipes. I rarely make the same recipe twice! My breakfasts are often eggs and veggies, my lunches are usually leftovers, and my dinners are full of proteins and veggies and have recently had less meat and more veggies/plant proteins.
Friday 24th of November 2023
Your blog, your life story and you as a person is so inspirational to me. I’ve been trying to find blogs like yours to help me get ideas for how to start a blog. I have not lost 100 or even 10 pounds yet. I have made a commitment to lose the weight and get healthy. I liked your comment about being skinny is not healthy. I know that but like you I need to start small with the exercise part of all of this. I started a blog to hold me accountable because I never tell anyone around me that I’m trying to lose weight. I’ve had so many diet and weight loss failures in my adult life. I would love some pointers for my blog and I will continue to read yours for your thought and ideas for losing weight and becoming healthy. I love your blog name. I choose Transforming my health and happiness. You are truly a blessing to me and I know others. Thank you for sharing your life with us and how God used you to show us how to get healthy.
Friday 8th of December 2023
Hi Amanda! Thank you so much for your kind words. That commitment is such an important part of the journey. Most people think the hardest part about losing weight is finding the "right" program or diet, but, really, he biggest battle you'll fight in weight loss is against discouragement. You will be so tempted to give up when you gain after trying hard or "only" lost .2 pounds. My 100-pound weight loss journey was FULL of .2 pound-loss weeks! They are important. They matter. Don't give up. <3
Tracey McCoy
Thursday 2nd of November 2023
I was looking for encouraging scriptures for a card my husband and I are giving out as part of our prayer ministry we're starting in our neighborhood, and I happened upon your blog! It's funny.. I just canceled my Weight Watchers subscription this morning in frustration.. I was always around 110 lbs until I got pregnant at 28 years old and gained 100 lbs. Then 2 more pregnancies later (back to back) I was officially obese. Throw in a divorce with 3 small children and complete devastation in my life, I began to gain even more weight. I got remarried and we both love food, so it was just inevitable.. I ended up weighing 298 lbs at 5'2". Then my knees went out and I had to have them replaced, but needed to lose some weight first. I went on a strictly cabbage diet and lost weight. Two years later, I am currently 230.8 lbs as of this morning. In the past year, I've done all the diets with Weight Watchers being the most recent. But I'm frustrated with the constant tracking and shameful public weigh-ins. I tried it without the meetings, but it just didn't work. Last night, after talking to my new pastor (not about weight) I realized that I was once again out of control earing, hiding wrappers from my husband, etc bc I was not relying on God. I was relying on me or Weight Watchers, but never really inviting God into my mess.. so, this morning I quit WW and then happened upon your blog. And I am so grateful. I know I hate exercise, but it's gotta be included. I cannot run - wish I could - but it is in fact painful just to walk with my knee replacements. But I will find something. I look forward to diving deeper into your blog, your resources, and anything else I can find on your site that will help me.. thanks so much for being a light in my darkness..
Friday 3rd of November 2023
Hi Tracey, thank you so much for sharing this part of your story with me. It's such a difficult road and fighting shame while fighting food cravings is such a tough battle! You can absolutely do this. As a side note, exercise is great for your overall health, but not necessary for weight loss, so don't feel like that needs to be your top priority. And I'm a big fan of chair workouts!
Tuesday 25th of July 2023
What a beautiful blog! Just looking for motivation today, 'cos I lost 60 lbs a few years ago, and now my job is to keep it off.
I grew up heavy and spent my young adulthood that way except for some on-and-off periods when I managed to lose, but never kept it off. Of course, my life changed radically depending on what my weight was, with all the misery that comes from being "fat" and then all the positive attention when I was "pretty."
I lost and gained 40 lbs (180's to 140's), maybe 5-6 times in my lifetime. This last time, with the help of an understanding doctor (and yes, medication, but that's what I needed), I lost 45 lbs, gained back 10, but this time, went back to the doctor and lost that and then on my own, 15 more, for a total of 60 lbs, which I've kept off for a few years now (from 189 to 129...current range past few years 126--131, which feels like a miracle.)
One of the things I do when tempted to eat when I don't really need to, is look for blogs like yours to read -- to remind myself that I can do what people like YOU have.
So thank you for helping me with motivation today. And thank you for sharing your beautiful journey! (Thanks to all the commenters, too.) Bless to all!
Saturday 29th of July 2023
What a great idea to look up blogs when you're needing some extra motivation! I used to do the same thing. Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. That's amazing that you've continued to choose to get back on track and find the support you need. That takes a lot of strength!