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Taste the Rainbow Cups Recipe

Did you know that St. Patrick’s Day is this Sunday?

This year has flown by so far! Soon I’ll be in the final stretch of work/school until summer vacation!  I’m already prepping the pool, seeing as the temperature is already creeping up into the 90’s. Yeesh. Those summer temperatures always sneak up on me.

Complete. craziness.

But, for now, it’s time for four-leaf clovers, leprechauns, and rainbows! Lots of rainbows. Especially of the edible variety (those are always my favorite kind!).

And rainbows are just happy. Sunshine. Lollipops. Rainbows. Happiness.

This dessert is super easy, it just takes a day where you’re at home and able to pop into the kitchen throughout the day. And kids absolutely love them!

I used 8-ounce cups I found at the dollar store and, to make moving them to and from the fridge easier, I lined them up onto a cookie sheet.

Then, it’s as easy as whipping up a batch of Jell-O (which took me all of 5 minutes), pouring that color into each clear cup, then sticking the tray into the fridge to let it set.

Then repeat.  And repeat.  And repeat again.  Times 6. Bringing on the rainbow magic.

Then, pull out your mixer and whip up a batch of fresh whipped cream.  You could always just use Cool Whip, but I’m on a fresh whipped cream kick.  It makes me feel all empowered to be able to make it from scratch after all these years of just whipping out the carton.

And…sprinkle them with Skittles.  It adds an extra splash of color.  And sugar. But, once you add the Skittles, serve them immediately.  Apparently, Jello is the destroyer/melter of candy coating, so be careful!

And enjoy tasting the rainbow.

Happy Almost St. Patrick’s Day!

Do you have any favorite St. Patrick’s Day desserts? What’s your favorite way to eat the rainbow?

Taste the Rainbow Cups

Taste the Rainbow Cups

Yield: 15


  • 1 (3 oz) pkg grape gelatin
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg berry gelatin
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg lemon gelatin
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg lime gelatin
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg orange gelatin
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg strawberry gelatin
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 Tbs sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • rainbow candy


  1. Prepare the grape gelatin as directed on the package. Distribute the gelatin evenly between the 15 cups.
  2. Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours, or until gelatin is beginning to set. If you use the “quick chill” method, chill for 30-45 minutes.
  3. Prepare the berry gelatin and pour on top of the grape gelatin, dividing it evenly between all cups.
  4. Chill, as in step 2. Repeat process with lemon, lime, orange, and strawberry gelatin, chilling to set each color in between.
  5. Whip the heavy whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
  6. Pipe whipped cream onto gelatin cups and top with rainbow candy. Eat immediately.
These colorful Jello cups are a fun and delicious way to taste the rainbow!


Thursday 4th of April 2013

Thank you so much! They were fun to eat!


Wednesday 3rd of April 2013

Oh my o.o those are some perfect rainbows!


Monday 18th of March 2013

Thank you! Sometimes I love the excuse of making food "for the blog" when I totally just wanted it for myself! I love Jello. I love variety. I love rainbows. So, 6 flavors and colors of Jello in one cup? Heck yes!

Sarah @ Will Run for Pasta

Sunday 17th of March 2013

Those are so cute!!! And I love that you went rainbow instead of just plain green ;)

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