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31 Gratitude Journal Prompts For A Boost of Thankfulness

Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

Some Tips For Your Gratitude Journaling

Make It A Habit

Pick a time of day to make time (notice I didn’t say waiting for extra time to appear!) for writing in your gratitude journal.

Maybe it’s first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, while your child naps, or 15 minutes before bed. Choose whatever works best for you!

Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

Sometimes, especially if you’ve had a rough day, it’s hard to get started, but once you get going, the ideas start to come easier and easier.

There are mornings when I start with things like, “Running water” or “Having clothes to wear” and then once the ball is rolling, I end up coming up with so many ideas it’s hard to write them down fast enough.

I have a gratitude challenge that is great for developing the habit of thankfulness. Grab your free 30 Days of Gratitude calendar here.

Don’t Rush It

When I started using a gratitude journal, I set a timer for 5 minutes. Then bumped it up to 10 minutes, then 15.

Part of the reason I encourage you to set a timer is to really set that time apart only for gratitude.

Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

Don’t hurry through getting something on the paper so that you can get to the next thing on your to-do list.

Take the time to let your feelings catch up to your thoughts as you write about the blessings in your life.

Everything Counts, No Matter How Small

I actually believe that when you start noticing your gratitude for the smaller things, that’s confirmation that you’re on the right track to making gratitude a regular practice!

If you’re grateful for a wonderful husband, awesome! Write it down!

Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

Feeling really great about having a good hair day? Awesome!

Were you thankful the checker at the grocery store double-checked your eggs? Add it to your journal!

I really, really love food, so usually, there is at least one food-related item on my list every day. I am incredibly thankful for my tastebuds and all of the delicious dishes that excite them!

Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

31 Gratitude Journal Prompts

  1. What was the best part of your day today?
  2. What are you most looking forward to right now?
  3. What was the last act of kindness that was done for you?
  4. Who is the most important person in your life? What kinds of things have they done for you?
  5. What is one talent or skill that you have?
  6. When is the last time you laughed really hard? Describe the situation.
  7. What is your favorite part of the place you live (your house, neighborhood, city, state, etc)
  8. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  9. What’s your favorite song right now? Why?
  10. What has made you smile in the last day?
  11. Describe what you are grateful for about your body.
  12. What foods do you love the most? (I can never pick a favorite food, but I can go on and on about the foods I love!)
  13. What is your favorite photo? Why?
  14. What do you love most about nature? (majestic mountains, calming waves on a white sandy beach, crunchy Fall leaves, watching the clouds float by)
  15. What makes you happy first thing in the morning? (a hug from your spouse, your favorite song playing as your alarm, the quiet before anybody else wakes up, a hot cup of coffee in your favorite mug, watching the sunrise, cuddling with your dog or cat)
  16. What is your favorite scent? (this is a great excuse to go out and get a candle of that scent if you don’t already have one!)
  17. Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How do they inspire you?
  18. What is the one place that has the happiest memories for you?
  19. How have you helped someone else in the past (or recently)?
  20. What is your favorite tradition?
  21. What is your favorite book? Why do you enjoy it?
  22. Look around where you are sitting right now. What do you see/feel/hear that you are thankful for?
  23. What holiday dishes make celebrating extra special? (Christmas breakfast, Easter brunch, birthday enchiladas, pumpkin roll cake in the Fall, etc)
  24. What hobby or activity brings you the most joy?
  25. Talk about the last time you learned from one of your mistakes.
  26. What have you learned recently? (how to play the play the piano, a new marketing technique for your business, a new Bible verse, how to cook a new dish)
  27. What is the one part of your weekly routine that you look forward to most?
  28. What do people like about you? What compliments have they given you?
  29. Think back to 6 months ago. What are you thankful for that has changed over the last 6 months?
  30. What is the most thoughtful gift you were ever given?
  31. Who was your favorite teacher growing up? Why?

Check Out These Other Gratitude Posts

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Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.
Use these 31 gratitude journal prompts for a more grateful, thankful heart for the perfectly imperfect life you are already living.

Cherrie Larson

Tuesday 13th of June 2023

You are awesome. Thank you so much. Grateful for you and your ministry.


Wednesday 13th of November 2019

Thank you for encouraging me to start a gratitude journal.


Friday 15th of November 2019

You are so welcome, Janet!

debra raschka

Tuesday 12th of March 2019



Tuesday 12th of March 2019

You are so welcome! It is such a gift to remember those good things in your life with a grateful heart.