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13 Empowering Bible Verses For Women

Read these empowering Bible verses for women to see what Scripture says it means to be a confident woman of God and a bold daughter of the King. 

What does “empowerment” mean?

Do you long to live up to your potential, but aren’t sure how to embrace your womanhood in a way that promotes your inherent value but also aligns with Scripture? In our culture, the empowerment of women refers to social change in which the status of women is enhanced through education, literacy, and economic training.

But being empowered to live a life filled with dignity, self-respect, and confidence means much more than being well-educated, having a good job, or possessing political power. Being empowered as a godly woman involves recognizing who God called you to be and then incorporating these attributes into your life.

So what does it actually mean to be empowered by God? The word empowerment means “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.”

I think all of us would like to become stronger and more confident in who we are, and there are several places in Scripture where God specifically commands us to be strong and confident in Him as we step out in boldness and courage according to what He is calling us to do.

The key as we ponder being empowered as a woman of God is that we strive to live out our God-given strength, confidence, and purpose according to who God says that we are as His precious daughter, not just who we think we should be.

There are a lot of different perspectives in our lives that influence what we perceive the “ideal woman” to look like, but it is my prayer that we will allow God’s Word to shape what it truly looks like to live as a woman of God who honors and glorifies God in every aspect of our lives.

God has a lot to say in His Word about how women can be empowered to live meaningful lives through the unique challenges, joys, and triumphs they experience each day.

He has uniquely created us as women, rejoicing in the beauty, grace, and love that will be manifest in our lives as we embrace the roles He created us to fulfill in our lives.

We are called to be strong, confident in Christ, and powerful, yet also to epitomize humility, submission, grace, and tenderness in our lives.

Use the empowering Bible verses for women included below to provide some guidance and encouragement on how to represent God well as the godly woman He has designed you to be.

With the Holy Spirit as your guide, allow God to give you the wisdom and power to reflect His glory in mighty ways as you live as a much beloved and adored daughter of the King.

Empowering Bible Verses For Women

Woman in red shirt sitting cross-legged on the floor holding a bible for 13 empowering bible verses for women

1. Proverbs 31:25 – God Clothes You With Strength and Dignity

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. – Proverbs 31:25

As you seek to become the godly woman He has created you to be, there is much wisdom to be found in the verses of Proverbs 31 which speaks of biblical womanhood. Here we are reminded that God clothes us with strength and dignity.

Being chosen to be a woman in the family of God is an incredible blessing, and I pray that you are humbled to know what an honor it is to be endowed with the privilege of being a woman of God.

God empowers us with His strength and courage, giving us everything we need to carry out His commands to live a godly life in Christ through our lives each day. Not only are godly women strong and powerful, but we are bestowed with prominent dignity that declares how highly esteemed and regarded we are in the eyes of God.

Let us embrace the confidence we have as daughters of the King, knowing that He supplies everything we need to live an empowered life that glorifies God every day.

Remember that you can laugh at the days to come because the God of the universe is your protector and defender, and there is nothing too hard for Him to accomplish in your life. Trust that God will fulfill the good plans and purposes He has for your life, and surrender your fears and doubts into His hands.

God is more than enough for every need in your life, so walk in faith as God gives you the strength and confidence to conquer every challenge you face.

As a strong and dignified woman, God also calls you to speak with wisdom. This wisdom comes from God and is based on His instructions to us, the truth that is planted within us as we meditate on the Word of God.

God tells us that His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light upon the path. His Word instructs us and directs our steps as we seek to follow the right path He has created for us as we seek to follow Him.

Even when we try to regularly study God’s Word, there are times when we can feel confused or overwhelmed by a decision we have to make. This is when the wisdom, insight, and discernment of God are needed. In James 1, we are told that anytime we ask God in faith for wisdom He will provide it for us. 

What a comforting promise! Let us continue to ask God to reveal His wisdom to us as we learn to listen to His voice and obey His instruction.

Let us also be faithful to speak godly wisdom into the lives of others as we speak to friends, raise our kids, or have a conversation with those God allows to cross our paths. We glorify God in powerful ways as His wisdom and instruction are on our tongues.

2. Proverbs 31:28-30 – Fear the Lord

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. – Proverbs 31:28-30

The fear of the Lord is the absolute foundation of everything we say and do as women of God who walk faithfully with God and are blessed in our relationships with our families.

It is natural to long for praises from your husband and have your children declare how amazing and blessed you are, but all of these things begin with an intimate walk with God in which you fear the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is one of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible. It does not indicate that you are supposed to be scared of God or run away from Him in fear. The fear of God implies that you are to have an awe-filled reverence of the Lord Almighty out of respect for His infinite holiness, righteousness, splendor, and majesty.

Because we have a glimpse of the mighty power and immeasurable greatness of the God of the universe, we are compelled to respect His authority, submit to His discipline, and worship Him with awe and reverence. 

We are told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; as we grow in our understanding of God as holy and righteous, we can integrate the ways of God into our lives as godly wisdom overflows into our relationships with others.

As you love and serve God with a sincere heart, your relationship with your husband and your children will be transformed. Others will see the goodness of God in you and His blessings bearing fruit in your life, and you will have the great opportunity to share that the strength and power evident in your life come from your faith in Christ and the abundant love He has for you.

As God empowers you to fulfill your calling, He will also allow you to share with others the truth that He alone is the source of your courage, strength, and confidence.

3. 2 Timothy 1:7 – You Have Power, Love, and Self-Control

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7

It can be easy to feel like you just don’t have what it takes to be the woman of God He longs for you to be. Sometimes life becomes overwhelming and you may feel like the demands in your life are just too much for you to fulfill.

In our own strength, we cannot manage life and will always fall short of expectations, but we can take heart in knowing that God has placed His very Spirit within us through the gift of the Holy Spirit we receive when we are saved.

Therefore, we do not need to fear challenges in our lives or dwell on the doubts that enter our minds because we have the power of the Almighty God within us. He has given us power, love, and self-control to equip us with the resources we need to fulfill His will for our lives.

We have the power to move mountains, to speak forth truth, and to bless the lives of others as the Holy Spirit moves in our lives.

The love of God should not only dwell within us, but we should manifest His everlasting love to others through the words we speak and the actions we take each day. Love compels us to live sacrificially and compassionately like we never thought possible. Remember to love extravagantly since love covers over a multitude of sins.

We can be confident that God is fighting for us and that He gives us everything we need to honor and glorify Him with our words and actions, empowering us to live as courageous and confident godly women who are more than conquerors.

May we allow the power of the Spirit and the love of Christ to be evident in our lives as we walk in step with the Spirit each day.

4. Ephesians 4:1-3 – Live a Life Worthy of Your Calling

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. – Ephesians 4:1-3

Although you may be called by God to do many different things throughout your life, as women we are all called to be daughters of the King. Even though there may be times in your life when you feel unworthy or undeserving, the truth is that you are chosen by God, declared to be His holy nation, a royal priesthood, His special possession, adopted as His child.

You are royalty as a child of the King. Our Loving Father is not just any king, but the Kings or kings, Lord of lords, Ruler of the entire universe. He is absolutely majestic, righteous, filled with power and might, and worthy of all our worship…and yet He is also our Abba Father, our Daddy.

As children of God, let us live a life worthy of the calling we have received as women of God. This does not mean that we are unworthy of being called daughters of the King.

Instead, because of receiving God’s grace through which we are saved we are declared precious enough that God sent His Son to die for us. Out of immense love for God and gratitude for what He has done on our behalf, we long to live a life that reflects His goodness, His love, and the fullness of life with Him. 

We are told to be humble and gentle. Humility does not mean putting ourselves down, but instead seeking to place God first in our lives and highly esteeming the needs of others as we live our lives.

Humility requires us to continually surrender our pride as we realize that it is God’s grace and mercy, not our own abilities and striving, that is accomplishing good things in our lives.

We are also to be patient–not only with ourselves but also with others as we interact with them. We need to ask God to give us compassion and understanding as we place ourselves in others’ shoes, allowing God to give us grace and patience as we walk alongside other people.

God also calls us to bear one another’s burdens, fueled by love as we encourage one another and build each other up in Christ Jesus. 

Finally, God calls us to allow the pervasive peace of Christ to keep us unified in the Spirit. It can be easy to let personal preferences and pride cause divisions to arise in our relationships, but if we can humble ourselves and sacrifice our selfish tendencies then God’s peace will empower us to honor God and glorify His name above all.

Let us claim the truth that God is more than capable of empowering us to live our lives in a way that is worthy of our high and holy calling.

5. 1 Peter 4:10-11 – Use God-Given Gifts to Serve Others

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. – 1 Peter 4:10-11

As you seek what it looks like to honor God as you walk with Him as a woman of God, be encouraged that He has already given you unique gifts and abilities that equip you to faithfully live out your faith.

If you need help identifying your gifts, ask friends and family who know you well to help you identify things that come naturally to you–teaching, generosity, hospitality, serving others, etc. 

As women of God who have surrendered our lives to Christ, let us look for opportunities to utilize our gifts to serve others and glorify God. As we identify ways to serve God in practical ways, it is important to remember that we are being stewards of the grace that God gives us.

All of the ways we serve others are being empowered by God’s grace, not by our own efforts to work harder or earn points by being a “good” Christian.

We should realize that we are invaluable to the body of Christ in the ways that we contribute to the purpose of making Christ known to all the world and shining His light wherever we go.

God will give you the words to speak eloquently to friends and neighbors or put people in your path to whom you can minister mercy and compassion, or present you with opportunities to provide dinner for friends in need. Our responsibility is to step forth in faith and obedience, acknowledging that Christ calls us to be His hands and feet in the world.

The greatest joy in being able to operate in the gifts God has given us is that in all these things God receives the praise and the glory through Christ Jesus our Lord. By walking out our faiths each day, others are drawn to praise and glorify God.

Perhaps God may even be opening the door for someone to accept Christ for the first time. Praise God! 

Of course, it is up to God to produce the spiritual fruit in people’s lives, but I guarantee that you will be blessed as you seek to faithfully use the gifts God has given you for His glory. Let us join Peter as he says “To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever! Amen.”

6. Titus 2:3-5 – Importance of Godly Mentors

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. – Titus 2:3-5

Although God has given us the Word of God as well as the Holy Spirit to guide us in how we should live, there are still times when we are faced with decisions or life situations in which we are confused or overwhelmed by how to proceed forward.

Being able to consult with a more mature believer who can provide godly wisdom and practical advice on how to navigate our journey can be invaluable.

Paul calls upon older women who have grown and matured in their walk with the Lord to teach younger women good things that help them love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, display a strong work ethic in the home, be kind, and submit to their husbands.

I have been so blessed and encouraged by the spiritual mentors God has placed in my life, and I think both the mentor and the mentee grow with God in powerful ways through this relationship.

Fellowship is an important part of the life of any believer and worshiping together, studying the Bible together, sharing joys and trials, praying together, loving one another through kindness and acts of hospitality, and keeping one another accountable by speaking the truth in love are all very important components to the life of faith in Christ.

God is knitting us together as a community of faith, the body of Christ, that represents Him in the world and will one day live together in the everlasting kingdom of God.

Also, be aware that God may be raising you up to disciple and mentor a young woman who is newer to the faith and needs someone to offer friendship and godly wisdom to her as she grows in the faith.

You don’t need to be considerably older than someone to share biblical truths and godly wisdom with another. Remember that if God is calling you to do something, He will equip you with everything you need to do that good work.

Let us embrace the beauty of biblical womanhood as we seek to uphold the Word of God with our lives, delighting in how God uses spiritual mentors to offer wisdom and insights that allow us to better love God and reflect His glory in our lives.

7. Ephesians 5:22-24 – Submit to Your Husband As to the Lord

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. – Ephesians 5:22-24

It is a confusing age to live in as we try to discern what it looks like to embrace our womanhood in the context of marriage. However, God’s Word makes it clear that a wife is to submit to her husband as the leader of the home, just as we submit to Christ as our Lord and Savior.

Submitting to your husband does not mean that he is more important to God or that your opinion doesn’t matter. In the married relationship, God has called the husband to rise up as the leader of the home. God has given the husband the responsibility of loving his wife and children and leading them to become a godly family that honors and glorifies God.

The husband is the head of the wife in the same way Christ is the head of the church. Consider how tenderly, lovingly, and passionately Christ leads the church in how to fulfill its high and holy calling of being the body of Christ to the world.

Just as we delight in submitting to Christ as our guide and leader out of the love we have for God, so should the wife cherish her role to esteem and submit to her husband.

Out of deep love for her husband, the wife demonstrates respect and honor for him as she aligns herself with his leadership.

I do feel like it is important to mention that I do not feel like submission means that a wife cannot have her own opinions, thoughts, or feelings. It is important to discuss as a couple the values and goals that you want to prioritize in your family.

In addition, this verse is not intended to give license for abuse. Please seek godly counsel if this is the issue at hand. 

There are still times in which a husband or wife may disagree on things and I think it is important to discuss those things in a loving, respectful manner. If your husband expresses things that are not in accordance with God’s Word or with the values and characteristics of Christ, it is important to discuss how to better pursue God’s righteousness through your words and actions.

However, you must be truly pursuing Christ as a couple, trying to surrender pride and personal preferences as you learn to live life together in a way that honors Christ.

Above all, remember that you are fulfilling who Christ called you to be for His glory as you live a life of submission to your husband, who will continue to grow and mature in his godly leadership as he becomes more and more like Christ.

8. 1 Peter 3:3-4 – Nurture Your Unfading Inner Beauty

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. – 1 Peter 3:3-4

God has created you to be a beautiful woman, but your beauty is not based on elaborate hairstyles, fashionable clothing, or expensive jewelry. It is tempting to pursue the ideal body image or to want to obtain expensive fad clothing in an attempt to receive comments from others that validate our sense of identity and approval.

However, the beauty that God has given us is a beauty that is from within, one that will never spoil or fade. Remember, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God; you have His fingerprints all over you.

This is a beauty that flows from your inner self and manifests itself in a gentle and quiet spirit, which delights God’s heart and is of great worth in His sight. This beauty allows you to be confident in who He made you to be, providing a peace that naturally flows from you and shines the light of Christ into the world.

As you learn to trust God more fully in every circumstance of your life, there is less strife and anxiety expressed in your heart and soul. This allows gentleness and kindness to be displayed to greater degrees in your life.

I also believe that the quietness of one’s soul does not refer to the absence of talking, but instead to that deep contentment and satisfaction of the spirit that results from truly abiding with the presence of God, described so eloquently in Psalm 46:10 which says “be still and know that I am God.”

God is revealing His beauty through your life and He delights in you as His child, rejoicing over you with singing. May you behold the unfading beauty of your inner spirit, treasuring the fact that Your faith is of greater worth than gold.

Nurture these beautiful gifts that God has given you and know that He will be faithful to fulfill the expression of a gentle and quiet spirit within you as you journey by faith with Him.

More Empowering Scriptures For Women

9. Ephesians 3:20 – God Empowers You With His Power

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us – Ephesians 3:20

Although it can be intimidating trying to be the woman of God that He is calling you to be, know that absolutely nothing is impossible for God and He can do infinitely and immeasurably more than you could ever ask or imagine.

God’s lavish grace and infinite love can accomplish things within your spirit and soul far beyond what you could ever envision for your life. While you may only see your weaknesses, God sees what you can accomplish as the power of the Spirit is at work in you.

Remember that our God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He parted the Red Sea, caused David to kill a giant with a small stone and a slingshot, and delivered Daniel from ferocious lions.

His powerful love drove the Father God to watch His Son die in agony as Christ took the sins of the world upon His shoulders and then descended into hell where He conquered the power of sin and death for all humanity. Is there anything that the power of God cannot accomplish?

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within you, God makes this unfathomable power available to us. He is working within you, strengthening you, growing your faith, healing you, setting you free, and empowering you to do more than you could fathom in your wildest dreams.

The joy of the Lord is your strength as you trust God to fulfill His plans for your life as He delights in you as His precious daughter.

10. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 – Let Love Be Your Guide

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Learning how to live out our identity as a precious daughter of God begins with understanding how beloved we are to God and then extending this same divine love to others in our lives.

The love of God relentlessly pursued us and then reconciled us with Him through the blood of Christ. We are called to seek God first and love Him with our entire beings, but we respond to Him by loving others in our lives.

The steadfast love of the Lord is the foundation of all we do as we seek to honor God and bless others as beloved daughters of the King. 1 Corinthians 13 is sometimes known as “the love chapter” of the Bible, and it gives some helpful and practical ways to define agape love (as opposed to how culture defines love). 

Love is not selfish or proud but instead is patient and kind. It does not dishonor others or harbor grudges, but it trusts and hopes and perseveres. These are the guidelines we are to use as we love our husbands, kids, friends, and even our enemies.

Although this seems like a high standard to live up to, we can love others in this way because of the abundant love God has poured into our lives. Ask God to give you the grace to demonstrate His love to others in your life.

If you try to become a woman of God merely by saying the exact right words at every moment or striving to do as many good deeds as possible to prove what a kind person you are, you will become exhausted and fall short every time.

However, if you treat others out of the deep love you have for them and that God has for their lives, you will be able to exemplify kindness, joy, and wisdom as God’s light naturally shines through you.

Pray that God will gift you with a greater love for those in your life and you will be amazed at how God manifests His presence in your interactions with others.

11. Philippians 2:3-7 – Humble Yourself As You Value Others

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage; rather, He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. – Philippians 2:3-7

Christ demonstrates the importance of humility in our relationships with others. As a beloved woman of God, it is important to prioritize the needs of others, rather than only focusing on our own needs and others.

As we try to become the best people we can be, it is easy to let selfish ambition or improving our own reputation become our motivation. However, as godly women, we are called to surrender our selfish tendencies and embrace humility as we love and honor others.

Jesus demonstrated true humility as He descended from the full glory of heaven to enter our sin-infested world and messy lives. He took on human likeness and became a true servant as He walked with us, talked with us, rejoiced with us, cried with us, and then gave His life for us.

We too are to serve others as we make choices that require us to sacrifice our own desires to love and honor others.

Embodying humility through our relationships does not mean neglecting your own needs; your wants and desires are important to God. However, it might mean letting your husband choose the movie that you watch or volunteering to deliver meals instead of staying at home to read your favorite book. 

Humility ultimately expresses the gratitude we have for God’s love and favor in our lives, knowing that we don’t deserve God’s love, and yet God has chosen to lavish love and grace into our lives anyway. Christ chose humility out of love for the Father and obedience to Him. We embody humility as an act of worship to God.

12. Ephesians 2:10 – God Has Prepared Good Works For You to Do

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10

God designed you with such reverence and holiness, creating you to be a very special and unique woman with gifts and talents that only you possess. Not only are you amazingly gifted and precious to God, but He fashioned You in the likeness of Christ Jesus.

God had you specifically in mind as He prepared in advance the good works for you to fulfill throughout your life.  

As you complete the things God is calling you to do and personify the amazing person He created you to be, you are displaying the handiwork of God in your life. What an honor! Remember that your life has incredible significance and meaning to God. 

You are representing Christ to the world as you live out your purposes as a godly woman. He has beautiful plans for your life that reflect the hope and future for which you were created. As we seek the heart of God and ask Him to reveal His will for our lives, He takes us by the hand and shows us how to faithfully live out love and obedience to His Word.

God is so exceedingly pleased that you are His daughter and loves watching you fulfill your purpose in Christ as you embrace the good works only you can do. He greatly esteems you as His child and loves walking with you each day of your life.

There is absolutely nothing you can do that will make Him love you any more than you already are. Rest sweetly in His arms, beloved daughter of the King.

13. Psalm 37:4 – Delight in the Lord

Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4

God wants to help you realize your goal of becoming a strong, confident, and humble woman of God. One of the most important things you can do is to seek God first, longing to place your relationship with Him above everything else in your life.

Learn to truly delight in the Lord as your Savior, Defender, the Lover of your soul, your Good Shepherd, and your Guide.

As you more fully delight in the Lord, He will transform your life so that His desires become your desires. He then will fulfill these holy desires of your heart and satisfy the deepest longings of your soul.

One of the desires that praises and glorifies Him is the desire to embody your identity as a woman of God. He sees your heart and He will give you everything you need to accomplish this desire.

He will give you the insight and wisdom to make good decisions, the motivation to grow in biblical womanhood, the grace to live faithfully, the power to transform your relationships, the strength and hope to persevere in this mission, and the joy as you see godly dreams realized. Keep pressing into God.

He is always faithful and will never let you down.

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Monday 2nd of September 2024